Clemenceau, Orlando, and Lloyd George, Oh My! Cody takes a look at this historical negotiation/area influence game based on the treaty that ended World War I by GMT Games. Will it be the game to end all games? Or will your gaming group refuse to ratify it? Let's watch!
Don't you hate it when you and your squad are pinned down by enemy fire, and you literally don't have any cards to play? Join Cody as he finally takes a look at this card-driven WWII tactical game from GMT Games. Will it advance on all fronts? Or will it just disrupt your good times? Let's watch!
Finally, a game that insists that men do the ironing! Will this wargame compilation set in the middle ages from GMT Games triumph on your table top? Or will it just drown in the moat? Cody investigates!
Finally, a game that harkens back to the carefree days of the 18th century! Will this new area control game, the spiritual successor to Twilight Struggle from GMT Games, colonize your heart? Or will it just retreat into history? Cody investigates!