The world's capitals have fallen to his madness, and the list only continues. What horrors lie in store for those who continue to resist Cody's indomitable will?
When Rome tried to take over France, that Caesar had some Gaul! Join Cody as he looks at this new area control/wargame from GMT Games. Will it conquer your tabletop? Or should we leave Caesar to the salad? Let's watch!
Finally, a game that lets you experience Road Rage in board game form! Join Cody as he takes a loot at this combat racing game from GMT Games. Will it be worthwhile way to nuke your afternoon? Or will it just annihilate your good times? Let's watch!
Clemenceau, Orlando, and Lloyd George, Oh My! Cody takes a look at this historical negotiation/area influence game based on the treaty that ended World War I by GMT Games. Will it be the game to end all games? Or will your gaming group refuse to ratify it? Let's watch!