During WWII, the admirals were all obsessed with aircraft carriers. I guess you could say they warshipped them. Join Cody as he sets his sights on this block wargame from GMT Games. Will it blow the competition out of the water on game night? Or will it just sink to the bottom of your shelf? Let's watch!
If the President legalized marijuana would Congress hold a joint session? Join Cody as he considers this game of the highest office in the land from GMT Games. Will it get your vote? Or should it just get impeached from your game shelf? Let's watch!
I was offered a job studying ancient Egypt. But I declined. It sounded like a pyramid scheme. Join Cody as he unearths this game of take that in the ancient world from GMT Games. Will it conquer your tabletop on game night? Or will it just make you miss your mummy? Let's watch!
The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! In hex and counter form! Join Cody as he explores this latest edition of the classic Eastern Front wargame from GMT Games. Will it blitzkrieg over your table top? Or will you just surrender on game night? Let's watch!
Why did St. Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland? It was too far to walk! Join Cody as he looks at this cooperative game of Christian conversion in the Dark Ages from GMT Games. Will it bless your table on game night? Or will it just be game clover for you?
Not enough Twilight Struggle in your life? Have I got the game for you! Join Cody as he explores this compact sequel of sorts to the classic GMT game. Will it go nuclear on your tabletop? Or will it just make your cold wargame colder? Let's watch!