Nazis, and Soviets, and armies! Oh my! Sit a spell and watch as Cody takes a look at this new Eastern Front wargame from GMT Games. Will it break through your heart's defenses? Or will it just fall short of its objective? Let's watch!
What did the shark say when he ate a clown? "Gee, that tastes funny." Join Cody as he looks at this evolution-themed worker placement game from GMT Games. Will it grow some legs on your tabletop? Or will it just get gobbled up on your game shelf? Let's watch!
All hands on Deck! GMT just launch a full salvo in our direction!!! Join Cody as he explores this innovated new surface fleet World War II wargame from GMT Games. Will it sail proudly on your tabletop? Or should you just torpedo the whole thing right now? Let's watch!
How did the Shogun unify Japan? With colored shapes on dice, of course. Join Cody as he examines this latest iteration of the classic battle system, and learns a thing or two about warlordism in the process.
At last, the final showdown between Cody and Zac - but who's list will triumph. And, waiting in the wings, the third and perhaps deadliest list awaits. Join us in this bone-chilling final installment of Cody's Top 100 Games of All Time!!!
Cody and Zac go head to head in their quest for world domination, but who will emerge the stronger. With time running out, only list can win! Watch as we near the conclusion of this powerful saga on The Discriminating Gamer!
The world's capitals have fallen to his madness, and the list only continues. What horrors lie in store for those who continue to resist Cody's indomitable will?