World War II was the most destructive event in world history. It also led to some really awesome board games! Is this latest offering from GMT Games among them, or is it destined to be merely a footnote to footnote in gaming history. Cody investigates.
Do you ever get in arguments with your friends over strategic materials, where to launch your next offensive, or political and military control over small countries? Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt did, and yet they always managed to remain friends and share secrets like schoolgirls. Now, you can recreate their historic hi jinks with this new game of negotiation, cooperation, and competition. I just hope Stalin and FDR don't feel bad that their names aren't on the box.
In The Discriminating Gamer's very 2nd play through, Cody commands the French army and Zac commands the British and Portuguese armies in this light war game from GMT Games.
New reviews for The Battle of Five Armies, Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion, The First World War, Johari, Firefly: The Game: Blue Sun expansion, Knightmare Chess and Commands & Colors: Napoleonics added to the Deseret News Reviews page.
Reviews for Thunder Alley, Canalis, Tsuro of the Seas, Bedpans + Broomsticks, and Galactic Strike Force have been added to the Deseret News Game Reviews section.