World War II Game

TDG: Undaunted: Battle of Britain


This was their finest hour. Literally... The game takes about an hour! Join Cody as he slips the surly bonds of Earth to take a look at this latest iteration of the Undaunted series from Osprey Games. Will it be an ace on game night? Or will it just shoot down your good times? Let's watch!

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TDG: Archie's War: The Battle for Guadalcanal


It only makes sense that Archie would have war. He already had a bunker. Join Cody as he assaults this two-player/solitaire war game about the famous 1942/43 battle. Will it subdue all the resistance on your tabletop? Or will it just bombard your good times? Let's watch!

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TDG: Coral Sea Solitaire


Wildcats and Devastators and Zeros, Oh My! Join Cody as he sails into this WWII book wargame from Worthington Games. Will it strike a blow for freedom on your tabletop? Or will it just sink on game night? Let's watch!

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TDG: Assault Red Horizon 41


We always talk about the Eastern Front, but if you ask me, Stalin was a little Eastern behind! Jon Cody as he looks at this wargame set during the opening days of Operation Barbarossa from Assault Games. Will it conquer your tabletop? Or will it just get bogged down before it reaches its objectives? Let's watch!

Posted By cody read more

TDG: Rommel in the Desert


I used to keep my Rommel in the Tundra, but he just didn't flourish there. Join Cody as he checks out this World War II block wargame from Columbia Games. Will it lay siege to your heart? Or will it just run out of gas? Let's watch!

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TDG Preview: Song for War: Mediterranean Theater


Join Cody as he takes a preview look at this epic World War II game from Invicta Rex!

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TDG: V-Sabotage: Ghost & Miniatures Pack


What kind of footwear should you use on a stealth mission? Shoes made of hide. Jon Cody as he considers this expansion and miniatures pack for the classic game of World War II commandos from Triton Noir. Will it be a successful mission on your tabletop? Or should you just leave it hidden? Let's watch.

Posted By cody read more

TDG: On to Moscow Solitaire


Go East Young Man! Cody checks out this solitaire book wargame from Worthington. Will it be a glorious advance on your tabletop? Or will it be the beginning of the end for Nazi regime? Let's watch!

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TDG: Malta Besieged: 1940-1942


He you ask me, being besieged is better than being a-sieged or c-sieged. Join Cody as he looks at this rebooted states of siege game from Worthington Games. Will it breach the walls of your heart? Or should you just throw it into the Mediterranean? Let's watch!

Posted By cody read more

TDG: War Room Shuffle


Join us for this musical montage look at War Room.

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