TDG: Earth


It's the only planet you've ever been on. Join Cody as he takes a look at this hand management/pattern building game from Inside Up Games. Will it move the tectonic plates of your heart on game night? Or will it just spin out of orbit on your tabletop? Let's watch!

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TDG: 18 India


When a train is tired, is it called a slowcomotive? Join Cody as he looks at this new 18xx game from GMT Games. Will it get you to the station on game night? Or will it just run out of steam on your tabletop? Let's watch!

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TDG Preview: Boardquest: Tales of Liria


Join Cody as he takes a preview look at Boardquest: Tales of Liria from Ramezware.

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TDG: Cody's Top Ten Pleasant Surprise Games (February 2024)


Join Cody as he looks at his top ten pleasant surprise games of all time.

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TDG: Vive L'Empereur!


Seeing as how Napoleon returned in 1815 and restored the empire, could the Battle of Waterloo be termed "The Empire Strikes Back"? Join Cody as he charges into this solitaire game of the iconic Napoleonic battle from Blue Panther. Will it break through the lines of your heart? Or will it just be a final defeat on your tabletop? Let's watch!

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TDG: Western Legends


Howdy Pardner'. Why was that cowboy so funny? He was always horsing around! Join Cody as travels back to the old west in this sandbox adventure game from Kolossal Games. Will it tie a lasso around your heart? Or should you let it just ride off into the sunset on game night? Let's watch!

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TDG: The Plum Island Horror


Tired of the Peach Peninsula Terror? Have I got the game for you! Join Cody as he braves the dangers of this horror/wargame from GMT Games. Will it be a frightfully good time on game night? Or will it just leave you cold? Let's watch!

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TDG: Star Trek: Discovery - Black Alert


When Red Alert just won't do, it's time for Black Alert! Join Cody as he boldly goes to explore this action selection/card management game based on the TV show from WizKids! Will it beam you up with excitement? Or will it just spore you to death? Let's watch!

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TDG: Cody's Top Ten Game Series (February 2024)


Join Cody as he looks at his top ten favorite game series of all time.

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TDG: Total Domination


Why settle for partial domination when you can go all the way? Join Cody as he explores this area control, card management wargame from Phalanx Games. Will it blitzkrieg it's way into your heart? Or will you be waving a white flag on game night? Let's watch!

Posted By cody read more


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