Where do you go when a Viking tells a joke? Val-Ha-Ha! Join Cody as he raids this game of negotiation and plunder from Grey Fox Games. Will it be Ragnarök on your tabletop? Or should you just leave it for the Valkyries? Let's watch!
Stop it! This game has just gotten silly! Join Cody as he takes a look at this nutty expansion for Zombicide 2nd Edition from CMON. Will you expect the Spanish Inquisition on your tabletop? Or will it just SPAM up your game night? Know what I mean? Know what I mean?
My favorite Star Wars character? Mando Calrissian! Join Cody as he looks at this adventure skirmish game based on the hit TV show from Unexpected Games. Will it send your game night into hyperspace? Or should you just leave it frozen in carbonite? Let's watch!
Where did Napoleon go to the bathroom? The water loo. Join Cody and Ray as they explore this card and dice game that covers the entire career of the French Emperor from GMT Games. Will it conquer your tabletop? Or should you just retreat as soon as possible? Let's watch! (Apologies for audio issues).