TDG: Star Trek Away Missions - House of Duras Klingon Expansion


A good Klingon does not put other people down. He lifts them up to slam them down for maximum damage! Join Cody as he considers this expansion to the new Star Trek game from Gale Force Nine. Will it bring honor to your tabletop? Or will it just make you want to commit Hegh'bat on game night? Let's watch!

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TDG: Cody's Top Ten Team Games (December 2023)


Join Cody as he takes a look at his top ten team games.

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TDG: Marvel Zombies - Fantastic Four: Under Siege


You... You're a big rock thing, so we'll call you the Thing. And you, you're like a big fire, so we'll call you the Human Torch. And you, you're an invisible woman, so we'll call you, the Invisible Woman. And me, I've got these stretchy arms and legs, so you can call me, Mr. Fantastic! Join Cody as he looks at this cunning quartet of superheroes and their zombie foes in this latest expansion to the classic superhero zombie game from CMON. Will it be a flaming hit on the tabletop? Or will you just wish it were invisible on game night? Let's watch!

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TDG: Marvel Zombies: Hydra Resurrection


No matter how many times I kill Hydra zombie soldiers, they always keep coming back! Join Cody as he takes a look at this expansion to the game of zombified Super-heroes and villains from CMON. Will it hulk-out on your tabletop? Or will your frustration just leave you with a red skull on game night? Let's watch!

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TDG: Marvel Zombies: Clash of the Sinister Six


It's a good thing that Venom is here, because these zombies got bite! Join Cody as he braves the undead hordes in this competitive version of the beloved zombie game from CMON. Will you want to wrap your tentacles around it on game night? Or will it send you to visit the Sandman while its on the table? Let's watch!

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TDG: Marvel Zombies: Guardians of the Galaxy Set


He may be Groot, but those zombies are gross! Join Cody as he gets hooked on the zombie feeling in this sci-fi expansion to the epic zombicide game from CMON. Will it be a snap on game night? Or will it just go supernova on your tabletop? Let's watch!

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TDG: Marvel Zombies: X-Men Resistance


If the X-Men are killed by zombies, and become zombies themselves, does that make the Ex-Men? Join Cody as he faces the undead hordes in this latest iteration of the classic zombie game from CMON. Does this game have bite? Or is it better left buried? Let's watch!

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TDG: Marvel Zombies


You'd have to be an Iron Man to survive this Hulk of a zombie game that stings like a Wasp! Join Cody as he infiltrates the ranks of undead superheroes in this spin on the classic zombie game from CMON. Will it spread like infection on game night? Or will it just be an apocalypse on your tabletop? Let's watch!

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TDG: Cody's Top Ten Games He Regrets Giving Away


Join Cody as he considers ten games he regrets giving away.

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TDG: Verdun 1916: Steel Inferno


How does a German indicate that he and his friends are finished? He says, "Verdun!" Join Cody as he braves the trenches of this World War I CDG from Fellowship of Simulations. Will it conquer the fortress of your heart? Or will it just barrage your good times on game night? Let's watch!

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