Why did Napoleon spend so much time conquering? Because he had nothing Toulouse! Join Cody as he looks at this multiplayer block wargame of combat and diplomacy from Columbia Games. Will it invade your heart on game night? Or should you just retreat from your tabletop as fast as you can? Let's watch!
I hear North Africa is lovely this time a year - the Messerschmitt's are in full bloom. Join Cody as he does some recon on this World War II block wargame set in North Africa from Worthington. Will it overrun your defenses on the tabletop? Or will it just leave you lost in the desert? Let's watch!
During WWII, the admirals were all obsessed with aircraft carriers. I guess you could say they warshipped them. Join Cody as he sets his sights on this block wargame from GMT Games. Will it blow the competition out of the water on game night? Or will it just sink to the bottom of your shelf? Let's watch!
Help, I'm suffering from Knight Fever! Join Cody as he explores the Holy Land in this game of the Crusades from Columbia Games. Will it make you a convert? Or should it be expelled from your tabletop? Let's watch!
I used to keep my Rommel in the Tundra, but he just didn't flourish there. Join Cody as he checks out this World War II block wargame from Columbia Games. Will it lay siege to your heart? Or will it just run out of gas? Let's watch!
Looking for a little backwoods warfare? Have I got the game for you! Join Cody as he investigates this block wargame surrounding the mid-18th century war for empire in North America from Worthington Games. Will it establish its flag on your tabletop? Or will it just be a French and Indian snore? Let's watch!
Wait a second! There's a World War II now? Join Cody as he takes a look at the new edition of this classic WWII sandbox game from Columbia Games. Will it blitzkrieg its way into your heart? Or will it just make you want to retreat from the table? Let's watch!
How many aircraft carriers does it take to change a lightbulb? Three, if the lightbulb is actually the battle of Midway! Will this new edition of the classic block wargame from Columbia Games force an unconditional surrender of your heart? Or will it just go down with the ship. Cody investigates.