science-fiction game

TDG: Starfinder: Pirates of Skydock


Where do aliens park their spaceships? Next to the parking meteor. Join Cody as he looks at this starship heist game from Gale Force Nine. Will it fire on all thrusters on game night? Or should you just toss it out the airlock? Let's watch!

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TDG: Star Trek: Discovery - Black Alert


When Red Alert just won't do, it's time for Black Alert! Join Cody as he boldly goes to explore this action selection/card management game based on the TV show from WizKids! Will it beam you up with excitement? Or will it just spore you to death? Let's watch!

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TDG: Warhammer 40K: Introductory Set


Would you like to meet some spacemarines? Have I got the game for you! Join Cody as he looks at this science fiction miniatures game from Warhammer. Will it please the emperor? Or will it just suck you into the chaos? Let's watch!

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TDG: Starship Captains


What's it called when two blue uniformed officers are having a heated argument? Science Friction. Join Cody as he explores this sci-fi board game about dangerous missions, androids, and space pirates from Czech Games Edition. Will it set your phasers on fun? Or should you toss into the nearest black hole? Let's watch!

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TDG: Galactic Era


Are the aliens friendly or hostile? We better shoot at them till we find out! Join Cody as he explores this new game of galactic conquest and cooperation from Seajay Games. Should it make first contact with your tabletop? Or should you just throw it out the airlock? Let's watch!

Posted By cody read more

TDG: Space Marine Adventures: Doomsday Countdown


The Space Marines are back! And this time, it's personal! Join Cody as he looks at this new sci-fi ticking clock adventure from Warhammer. Will it serve the emperor well? Or will it just blow up on your tabletop? Let's watch!

Posted By cody read more

TDG: Chaosmos


Do you like to keep things hidden from your friends? Do you enjoy setting traps for other people? Do you revel in the knowledge that only one species can survive the coming universal catastrophe? Have we got the game for you. Cody checks out this game of hidden information and toxic planets from Mirror Box Games.

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TDG: Terminator Genisys: The Miniatures Game


Just in time for the new feature film, the Terminator franchise has a new tabletop game. Should you say to it "I'll be back!" or "Hasta la vista, baby!"? Cody investigates.

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TDG: Forbidden Stars


Kill, kiss, or marry? An Ork, an Eldar, and a Chaos Space Marine? Go! Cody takes up the challenge with this review of Fantasy Flight Games' latest grand strategy game set in the Warhammer 40K universe.

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