Demonic Birds, and Wolves, and Turtles, and Dragons, Oh My! Join Cody as he explores this abominable expansion to Zombicide: White Death from CMON. Will it provide a ghoulishly good time on game night? Or should you just be a monster on your tabletop? Let's watch!
Put all my money on red... blood. Join Cody as he takes a look at this latest Zombicide game from CMON, based on the recent Zack Snyder film. Will you win an undead jackpot on your tabletop? Or should you just cash this one in? Let's watch!
I dated a zombie a long time ago. When we broke up she fell apart. Join Cody as he looks at this classic zombie horror game from Flying Frog Productions. Will it chill your bones on game night? Or should you just leave this one buried? Let's watch!
"They're coming to get you Barbara..." Let's be honest. Did anyone ever really "get" Barbara? Join Cody as he explores this latest iteration of the classic zombie game from CMON based on the ghoulish 1968 film. Will it reanimate your game night? Or should you just shoot it in the head? Let's watch!
The Zombies are back... And this time it's personal! Join Cody as he takes a look at this update version of the beloved Zombie killing adventure game from CMON. Will it be an apocalypse of fun on your tabletop? Or should it just rot on the shelf? Let's watch!
In space no one can hear you scream... or roll dice. Join Cody as he takes a look at this latest science-fiction iteration of the popular zombie killing game. Will it fire on all thrusters? Or will your good times just go out the airlock? Let's watch!
Tired of blue crowds and red swarms? Have I got the game for you. Check out this fantasy iteration of the popular zombie-killing series from CMON. Will it decapitate your enemies? Or will it just rot on your shelf? Cody's on the case!
Hey folks, let's go on a road trip! Let's pack lunch, some extra clothes, zombie repellant, and.... WHAAA? That's right, this new Euro/Ameritrash hybrid from Asmodee and Space Cowboys is a zombie adventure through the heart of America. We'll leave the light on for you.