Put all my money on red... blood. Join Cody as he takes a look at this latest Zombicide game from CMON, based on the recent Zack Snyder film. Will you win an undead jackpot on your tabletop? Or should you just cash this one in? Let's watch!
I dated a zombie a long time ago. When we broke up she fell apart. Join Cody as he looks at this classic zombie horror game from Flying Frog Productions. Will it chill your bones on game night? Or should you just leave this one buried? Let's watch!
Stop it! This game has just gotten silly! Join Cody as he takes a look at this nutty expansion for Zombicide 2nd Edition from CMON. Will you expect the Spanish Inquisition on your tabletop? Or will it just SPAM up your game night? Know what I mean? Know what I mean?
Yeah - death may die. But it might also go on to live, start a family and be a contributing member of society, if you'd just give it a chance! Join Cody as he explores this cooperative ghoulish game of Lovecraftian horror from CMON. Will it send chills down your spine on game night? Or will it just be a horrible experience on your tabletop? Let's watch!
If the X-Men are killed by zombies, and become zombies themselves, does that make the Ex-Men? Join Cody as he faces the undead hordes in this latest iteration of the classic zombie game from CMON. Does this game have bite? Or is it better left buried? Let's watch!
A mad scientist once replaced my limbs with those of an animal. If I see him again I'll tear him apart with my bear hands! Join Cody as he dares to unearth the dark history of this app-driven worker placement game form Renegade game Studios. Will it shock your tabletop to life? Or should you just leave the past buried? Let's watch!
Bigfoot, Mothman, & Banshee, Oh My! Join Cody as he takes a look at these uniquely American horror stories in this new game based on the classic cooperative system from Ravensburger, Will it be a terribly good time? Or will should you have no fear of missing out? Let's watch!
Being a vampire really sucks! Join Cody as he takes a look at this deck building racing game from Renegade Game Studios. Will this game make you go fangs out? Or should you just avoid it like the sun? Let's watch!