board game review

TDG: Citadels


Do you like to pretend that you're different roles in medieval settings, but LARPing is just too geeky for you? You may want to check Citadels, from Fantasy Flight Games.

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TDG: Gravwell


Let's face it, black holes are dangerous. Thus far the only thing capable of freeing a spaceship stuck in a singularity, according to Neil Degrasse Tyson and other prominent astronomers, is playing cards in the right order. Cody takes a look at this breakthrough in our understanding of space-time, Gravwell, from Renegade Game Studios.

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TDG: Munchkin Panic


Why are all the munchkins in a panic? Who knows? But Cody is going to investigate. First stop, the Lollypop Guild.

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TDG: Cross Hares: Testing Ground


Do you like rabbits? Of course you do. Who doesn't? But do you like post-apocalyptic rabbits searching for a mysterious factory in a toxic wasteland? Cody takes a look at this roll-and-move trail game from 1A Games.

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TDG: Roll For It! Deluxe Edition


Roll For It! Roll for what? I'd don't know, but Cody is looking at something you roll for, and apparently it is It!

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TDG: Spells of Doom


Crave magic skirmish battles like a pregnant woman craves pickles and ice cream? Cody does, so today he's checking out Spells of Doom, from Drawlab Entertainment.

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TDG: Villainous Vikings


Were the Vikings truly villainous, barbaric, death dealing thugs, or were they merely just hurting on the inside and crying for help? Cody tackles this question and more as he looks Villainous Vikings, from Victory Point Games.

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TDG: Star Wars: Imperial Assault


Apparently, Fantasy Flight Games got its hands on the rights to some obscure, 1970s sci-fi movie and made a board game out of it. Cody takes a look at Star Wars: Imperial Assault. I think I saw the movie once. Is that the one with the guy with the pointy ears?

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TDG: Dungeons & Dragons: Attack Wing


Dungeons & Dragons & bears, oh my! Cody takes a look at D&D Attack Wing from WizKids, and learns a thing or two about dragon hygiene in the process.

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TDG: Knightmare Chess


Let's face it- chess is boring. But it doesn't have to be. Cody looks at a game that brings a healthy dose of chaos to the chess board- Knightmare Chess, from Steve Jackson Games.

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