Top ten list

Cody's Top 100 Games 2016 #30-21


The list grows ever more powerful, and so no one will be able to stop it. Does Cody's mania know no bounds? Let's watch!

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TDG: Cody's Top 100 Games 2016 #70-61


Another entry to the list, and more valiant fighters appear to stop Cody's madness. Will they be swept aside, or this be the end? Watch and find out!

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TDG: Cody's Top 100 Games 2016 #80-71


The list continues, and the shadows spread across the land. Previous uprisings have been crushed, but the spark of resistance still burns bright in the countryside. As Cody's power grows, will anyone come forward to stop him? Find out in this edition of "The Discriminating Gamer's Top 100 Games!"

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TDG: Cody's Top 100 Games 2016 #90-81


Cody, drunk with his own power, delivers ten more games to the list. The peasants stir, and revolt brews throughout the countryside. Still, the list will continue... but at what cost!

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TDG: Cody's Top 100 Games 2016 #100-91


Cody's back with his list- and this time, it's personal! Join Cody for yet another celebration of his vanity, hubris, and games! But will numbers #100 through #91 be enough for his mania? Let's watch!

Posted By cody read more

TDG: Cody's Top 100 Games 2015 #50-41


Cody's own personal Rubicon as been crossed, he is now in the top half (or is it lower half) of his list! His enemies will stop at nothing to undue his work, and to curtail the list! With each passing game, they grow weaker, but there is fight in them yet! Will Cody prevail? His greatest challenge still awaits!

Posted By cody read more

TDG" Cody's Top 100 Games 2015 #70-61


Time is running out and a crossroads has been reached. Can Cody complete the list before his enemies gain the upper hand? Or will the forces of evil prevail? Only one thing is fore sure- you'll hear about some great board games!

Posted By cody read more

TDG: Cody's Top 100 Games 2015 #60-51


In this ever growing game of misdirection and subterfuge, Cody's chances for survival only seem to thin. The list is the only thing keeping the wolves at bay, but at what cost? Can Cody keep the list going, and hold on to his sanity in the process? Let's watch!

Posted By cody read more

TDG: Cody's Top 100 Games 2015 #80-71


As Cody goes further down his list, more secrets will be revealed, and even more mysteries will present themselves. Can you accompany him on this journey without resorting to madness? Or will compassion triumph over hatred? Or do you just want to hear about some really cool tabletop games?

Posted By cody read more

TDG: Cody's Top 100 Games 2014 #20-11


The list is almost complete and all is in readiness for Cody's triumphant conquest of the Earth. Shawn tries one last desperate gambit to stop him. But has Cody become too powerful? All this and more will be revealed in the penultimate episode of Cody's top 100 games!

Posted By cody read more


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