
TDG: Terminator Genisys: The Miniatures Game


Just in time for the new feature film, the Terminator franchise has a new tabletop game. Should you say to it "I'll be back!" or "Hasta la vista, baby!"? Cody investigates.

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TDG: Frontier Stations


Let's face it, the best episodes of Star Trek were the ones where the Enterprise defended itself against alien attacks, star plagues, belligerent AI, Toxic Waste, and solar winds by using only cardboard chits. Now, live the same sci-fi/cardboard adventure with this card game from Victory Point Games.

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TDG: Catan, 5th Edition


My feline spent too much time out in the sun, now it's got a Cat tan... Hello... hello... Is this mic on? Anyway, Cody takes a look at the new edition of this modern classic.

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TDG: X-Men: Mutant Revolution


When the A through W men can't handle it, you call the X-Men! Cody takes a look at this new WizKids game of plotting, team building, and combat. Oh, and there's bidding dials.

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TDG: Flea Market


Do you like to buy stuff? And by stuff I mean old junk? And by old junk I mean a Flux Capacitor? No foolin'- there's one in this game of buying low and selling high from Mayfair Games. Oh, and there's cartoon animals, too.

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TDG: Machi Koro: Harbor expansion


We here at The Discriminating Gamer always lamented the fact that our card cities in Marchi Koro lacked access to the sea- now with the new IDW Games' new Harbor expansion, we lament no more!

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TDG: Fleets: The Pleiad Conflict


Do you ever wish you had a shield ship to absorb some of the hits you take in life? How about a generator ship to give you more energy? Or fighters that would let you re-roll your day? Well now you can- in space combat board game form- with this offering from FryxGames.

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TDG: Star Wars: Imperial Assault: Ally & Villain Packs


Let's face it, Han Solo was never meant to be a cardboard chit... Luke, maybe. Now, you can bring Han Solo and other Star Wars characters to the table- in mini form! Now if only FFG will hurry up and introduce the Ewoks into the game my life will be complete!

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TDG: 12 Realms


11 Reams not good enough for you? 13 too many? For all of your realm-inspired questions, check out this cooperative game from Mage Company with a fairy tale theme and a host of bad guys.

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TDG: Rattlebones


Do you like dice? Do you like building things? Would building dice blow your mind? Did this new dice building game blow Cody's mind? Let's watch!

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