Tired of disassembling water? Have I got the game for you! Join Cody as he looks at this hand management/worker placement game from Lucky Duck Games. Will it burn its way into your heart on game night? Or will it just flame out on your tabletop? Let's watch!
Never one drop of rain on Arrakis... That's sounds like my mother's rules about drinking on the sofa! Join Cody as he delves into this latest expansion for your Dune: Imperium and Dune: Imperium - Uprising games, from Dire Wolf. Will it make you bless the maker on game night? Or should you just bury it in the sand? Let's watch!
Did you hear about the new bee union? The workers want more honey and shorter working flowers! Join Cody as he checks out this worker placement game about bees in space from Stonemaier Games. Will it be the bee's knees on your tabletop? Or will you just get stung on game night? Let's watch!
Hey, Buddy! It's Norway or the Highway! Join Cody as he joins the defenders in this solitaire World War II game from Tompet Games. Will it stand up to tyranny on your tabletop? Or will you just surrender on game night? Let's watch!
Dune or Dune not. There is no try. Join Cody as he travels back to the world of Arrakis in this follow up to the classic worker-placement deck-building game from Dire Wolf. Will the sleeper awaken on your tabletop? Or will the spice cease to flow on game night? Let's watch!
You know, it's not really polite to ask a hero his or her age! Join Cody as he considers this superhero worker placement game from WizKids! Will it evolve on your table for game night? Or should this X-Men game be an ex-game, man! Let's watch!
As Freddie Mercury once asked, "Who wants to live forever?" Join Cody as he explores this latest expansion to the sci-fi worker placement/deck-building game from Dire Wolf. Will it recode you genes for fun? Or should you just use your atomics on it? Let's watch!