Finally, a game that insists that men do the ironing! Will this wargame compilation set in the middle ages from GMT Games triumph on your table top? Or will it just drown in the moat? Cody investigates!
How do you defend a castle prison fortress from hordes of German SS soldiers? With activation tokens, of course! Explore this solo wargame set at the end of World War II from DVG. Will it declare victory on your tabletop? Or will it just be an unconditional surrender of your good times? Cody investigates.
Thought you were daunted before? Think again! Join Cody as he takes a look at this follow-up to last year's Undaunted: Normandy, a deck building WWII tactical squad based game from Osprey Games. Will your cardboard army triumph in the desert? Or will you just get sand on cards? Let's watch!
The British may be able to take your lives. But they'll never be able to take YOUR BOARD GAMES!!! Join Cody as he looks at this two player, card-driven, tactical wargame set in the American Revolution from Worthington. Will it only take you a minute, man to love this game? Or should you just declare independence from it? Let's watch!
Finally, a World War II game that takes less time than the actual war itself! Join Cody as he looks at this abstract wargame that recreates the epic 1939-1945 struggle from PSC Games. Will it Lightning War its way into your heart? Or does it belong down in the bunker? Let's watch!
"This is a fact we can't ignore - I think they think we're going to war!" Join Cody as he looks at this new squad-level tactical deck building game from Osprey Games. Will it advance on all fronts? Or will it retreat from your tabletop? Let's watch!
Wait a second! There's a World War II now? Join Cody as he takes a look at the new edition of this classic WWII sandbox game from Columbia Games. Will it blitzkrieg its way into your heart? Or will it just make you want to retreat from the table? Let's watch!
How many aircraft carriers does it take to change a lightbulb? Three, if the lightbulb is actually the battle of Midway! Will this new edition of the classic block wargame from Columbia Games force an unconditional surrender of your heart? Or will it just go down with the ship. Cody investigates.
"This, was their finest hour," but will it be the finest game? Join Cody as he looks at this historical wargame featuring the iconic World War II battle from PSC Games. Will it be a Hurricane of excitement? Or will it have you spitting fire? Let's watch!