Don't you hate it when its Thursday and your galactic empire is about to fall? Join Cody as he plots to hold on to power in this sci-fi solitaire game from Decision Games. Will your regime stand the test of time on game night? Or will it just be a time of crisis for your tabletop? Let's watch!
You really should forgive U-Boat captains. They're under a lot of pressure. Join Cody as he dives into this submarine solitaire game set in World War II from Turgalium Games. Will it bring real depth to your game night? Or will it just torpedo your good times? Let's watch!
Douglas MacArthur is back! And this time... it's personal! Join Cody as he looks at this solitaire World War II wargame from Revolution Games. Will it conquer on game night? Or will it just fail to get off the beach? Let's watch!
Hey, it's more historically accurate than the Ridley Scott film! Jon Cody as he charges into this board game version of the great book wargame from Worthington Games. Will you conquer the battlefield on game night? Or will you just feel like you've been exiled to Elba on your tabletop? Let's watch!
Hey, Buddy! It's Norway or the Highway! Join Cody as he joins the defenders in this solitaire World War II game from Tompet Games. Will it stand up to tyranny on your tabletop? Or will you just surrender on game night? Let's watch!
What would you rather face? A German panzer? Or a horde of the Undead? Wonder no more! Join Cody as he considers this horror wargame from RAYBOX Games. Will it lay siege to your cold, dead heart? Or should you just surrender on game night? Let's watch!
As Jerry Seinfeld said, it's an empire based entirely on furniture. Join Cody as he checks out this solitaire game set during the First World War from Tabletop Tycoon and Victory Point Games. Will it hold back the infidels on your tabletop? Or will it just get thrown on the ash heap of game night history? Let's watch!
Is Austria hungry enough for victory? Join Cody as he looks at this solitaire states of siege game set during World War I from Tabletop Tycoon and Victory Point Games. Will it preserve the monarchy on your tabletop? Or will it just collapse on game night? Let's watch!