As Midnight Oil once asked, "How can we sleep while our Banners are Burning?" Join Cody as he does some recon on this fantasy wargame from Compass Games. Will this be a welcome invasion on game night? Or will its magic fail to work on your tabletop? Let's watch!
That kooky Napoleon is back and up to his old tricks! Will John Bull be able to take him down a peg this time? Will this wargame based on the Napoleonic Wars from Compass Games win glory on your tabletop? It will it be forced to retreat? Cody investigates.
A King, a Kaiser, and a Czar walk into a bar in 1914 and... Well, we all know how that ended. Will this First World War game from Compass Games make it over the top? Or will it just get mowed down in the trenches? Let's watch!