worthington publishing

TDG: Rommel's War


I hear North Africa is lovely this time a year - the Messerschmitt's are in full bloom. Join Cody as he does some recon on this World War II block wargame set in North Africa from Worthington. Will it overrun your defenses on the tabletop? Or will it just leave you lost in the desert? Let's watch!

Posted By cody read more

TDG: 1759: Siege of Quebec, 2nd Edition


Have they changed the name from the St. Lawrence River to the Joey Lawrence River yet? Because that would be dreamy! Join Cody as he explores this solitaire wargame set in the French and Indian War from Worthington. Should you let it lay siege to your tabletop? Or should you just retreat immediately? Let's watch!

Posted By cody read more

TDG: Freeman's Farm 1777


The British may be able to take your lives. But they'll never be able to take YOUR BOARD GAMES!!! Join Cody as he looks at this two player, card-driven, tactical wargame set in the American Revolution from Worthington. Will it only take you a minute, man to love this game? Or should you just declare independence from it? Let's watch!

Posted By cody read more


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