When the hero from Eterina makes a PSA, is it just He-Man-splaining? Join Cody as he dives into this action game brawler from CMON. Will this game give you the power? Or will it be like fifty shades of Greyskull on your tabletop? Let's watch!
The Zombies are back! And this time, it's a Carnival! Join Cody as he parties with this campaign game expansion of the undead in Brazil from CMON. Well, as the Brazilians say, "Oh não! Correr! São zumbis! Eles pegaram John! Agora eles estão vindo atrás de nós! Ah, isso não pode estar acontecendo!!!!"
Zombies and Cowboys and Trains, Oh, My! Join Cody as he explores this game of the the Undead in the Old West from CMON. Will it reanimate your game night? Or should you just let it ride off into the sunset? Let's watch!