Don't you hate it when you're laying siege to castle but your opponent wins a diplomatic role against your allies? Join Cody as he explores this reprint of the classic 1979 wargame of diplomacy and combat from Pungo Games. Will it conjure up the action on game night? Or will it just be a bloodbath on your tabletop? Let's watch!
Hey, it's more historically accurate than the Ridley Scott film! Jon Cody as he charges into this board game version of the great book wargame from Worthington Games. Will you conquer the battlefield on game night? Or will you just feel like you've been exiled to Elba on your tabletop? Let's watch!
Was this ship sent from Prussia with love? Join Cody as he takes an all-hands-on-deck look at this boxed solitaire naval wargame from Worthington Games. Will it be a glorious voyage on your tabletop? Or will it just sink to the bottom on game night? Let's watch!
Don't lose your head! Join Cody as he inquires as to the righteousness of this solitaire game set during the English Civil War from Worthington Games. Will it make you a convert? Or will it just be a rump parliament of a game night? Let's watch!