Just like Cody, Conan don't take no crap! But what about his board game? Does this new dungeon crawler adventure from Monolith live up to its literary pedigree? Find out, in this action packed episode... actually its mostly just Cody talking.
Will this game of Capture the Flag capture your heart, or will it dash all of your hopes? Join Cody has he takes a look at this new offering from PieceKeeper Games.
2016 wasn't all bad- the year saw some fantastic new tabletop games released. Join Cody as he reveals his top ten of the year, and brings his trusty companion Zac along to keep it real! Happy New Year!!!
Here's a little known fact: Did you know that in 1861 the United States had a Civil War- over a century before Marvel did? Join Cody as he learns tons of historical goodies like that in this hex and counter wargame from GMT Games. Horrah for the Bonnie Blue game board!
Say kids, do you like that Game of Thrones? Well now you can share all of the warmth, kindness, sharing and compassion that flows through the TV show! Join Cody as he takes a look at this new game of betrayal and intrigue from Fantasy Flight Games!
Have you ever explored a haunted house, found an omen card, rolled some dice, then BOOM, you became an evil monster intent on killing all of your friends? If you've played Betrayal at House on the Hill you have, and now there's even more ways for you to brutally betray your loved ones with this new expansion from Avalon Hill. If the haunt triggers just right, you'll be your group's Benedict Arnold, Kim Philby, Alger Hiss, or Wellington Yueh!
"Where am I?" "Who is the spy?" These are questions that have plagued mankind since the dawn of time. Now the quest has been codified in this sequel to the popular party game. Want to gain some intel on this game? Let's take a look.
What's this? Ticket to Ride goes global? And... Great Lakesal? In any event, check out Cody's look at this latest edition of the classic game from Days of Wonder. Will he answer the age old question- What is the greatest lake? Let's watch!
Do remember that wonderful scene in "The Great Escape" when Steve McQueen jumped the motorcycle over the barbed wire, then the Germans arrived and played the "No Escape By Motorcycle" card? If only he'd rolled doubles, right? Anyway, Cody investigates this game of pulling the wool over Jerry's eyes, from Osprey Games!
Milton Friedman lives! Cody takes a look at this capitalism-out-of-control themed game that feature negotiation and a hidden traitor. To quote Oingo Boingo, "There's nothing wrong with capitalism/There's nothing wrong with free enterprise..."