Cody's back with his Top Ten games of all time. He just won't stop.
Ever. No matter how much we ask him... This time you'll see a lot of familiar titles, plus a few games new to the Top Ten this year!
You don't need superpowers to turn a competitive game into a cooperative game, but it helps! Will this latest expansion pack for the DC Comics Deck Building Game from Cryptozoic Entertainment leap tall buildings with a single bound? Or will it suffer from a personal crisis? Cody investigates.
Oh, oh, oh, it's Magic. You know. Never believe it's not so! Join Cody as he looks at this light eurogame set in the MTG universe from WizKids. Will it be like Mana from heaven? Or will it just make you want to tap out? Let's watch!
Hey kids, Star Wars: X-Wing is back! And this time, it's personal! Join Cody as he takes a look at the second edition of this Fantasy Flight Games classic miniatures game. Will it surround you, penetrate you, and bind your universe together? Or will it ensure that a million voices cry out in terror and are then suddenly silenced? Let's watch!
Alien prisons are the worst! Well, except for New Jersey. Will this sequel to the 2014 starship simulator have you firing on all thrusters? Or will it just keep you stuck in drydock? Cody investigates.
Now you can live the action of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in your own home- in board game form! Join Cody as he takes a look at this latest iteration of the Marvel Legendary line from Upper Deck. Will you be Nick Fury-ous about it? Or will it Hulk Smash your dreams? Let's watch!
Definition of Hitler's Reich: What Hitler used to gather leaves in Australia! Join Cody as he checks out this card driven wargame from GMT Games. Will it blitzkrieg its way into your heart? Or will it fall faster than France from your game shelf? Let's watch!
The Prancing Pony? How did Tolkien know my nickname in high school? Join Cody as he explores this new LOTR adventure from Games Workshop. Will it inspire the bonds of friendship? Or will you just want to throw it into a volcano? Let's watch!
Can you really trust a bunch of guys in power armor that worship a corpse-emperor? Join Cody as he looks at this new Warhammer 40K adventure from Games Workshop. Will it purge the fun from your tabletop? Or will it's crusade capture your heart? Let's watch!