Did you know that in addition to a dog, Pavlov also had a house? Join Cody as he explores this solitaire war game set in the brutal battle of Stalingrad from DVG. Should you be Russian to pick it up? Or will it run out of ammo on the table? Let's watch!
Which continent has the most elderly people? The incontinent. Join Cody as he explores this new expansion to bingo/continent building game from AEG. Will it shift the tectonics of your heart? Or will it just slowly devolve on your game shelf? Let's watch!
Tired of flesh and fidelity? Have I got the game for you! Join Cody as he examines this new edition of the classic game of Roman intrigue and carnage from Gale Force Nine. Will it triumph on the arena of your table top? Or will you just give it a thumbs down? Let's watch!
Ready for some World War Fun? Join Cody as he explores this hex and counter, card-driven wargame from Hexism. Will it succeed on all fronts? Or will it just get bogged down in the trenches? Let's watch!
How did the Shogun unify Japan? With colored shapes on dice, of course. Join Cody as he examines this latest iteration of the classic battle system, and learns a thing or two about warlordism in the process.
How did the Allies defeat the Axis? By destroying cards, of course! Join Cody as he looks at this World War II themed deck destruction game from Worthington Games. Will it Blitzkrieg its way into your heart? Or should you just strategic bomb it back to oblivion? Let's watch!
Don't you hate it when an empire falls and leaves all us little people at the mercy of the barbarian hordes? Join Cody as he explores this worker placement/tower defense game from Grey Fox Games. Will it lay siege to your heart? Or will you just surrender your good times? Let's watch!
Tired of the shallow state? Have I got the game for you! Cody uncovers the hidden hand of the secret rulers of the Earth in this worker placement, tableau building game from CrowD Games. Will you conspire with it for a good time? Or should it just remain in the shadows. Let's watch!