We here at The Discriminating Gamer always lamented the fact that our card cities in Marchi Koro lacked access to the sea- now with the new IDW Games' new Harbor expansion, we lament no more!
Do you ever wish you had a shield ship to absorb some of the hits you take in life? How about a generator ship to give you more energy? Or fighters that would let you re-roll your day? Well now you can- in space combat board game form- with this offering from FryxGames.
Written reviews for Star Wars: Armada, Star Wars Imperial Assault: Ally & Villain Packs, Fief: France 1429, Rattlebones, and Homeland have been added to the Deseret News Reviews page.
Cryptozoic Entertainment has decided to mesh the world of deck building card games with that of professional hockey... and no rip appeared in the fabric of space-time. Join Cody as he looks at this unusual themed deck builder.
In this segment, originally produced for The Dice Tower's Board Game Breakfast, Cody takes a look at the unplayed games in his collection and asks the pivotal question- Which game should he play next?
Hello... My name is Cody.... And I'm a Star Wars addict. It takes courage to admit it. But what do I think of Fantasy Flight Games' latest Star Wars title? Turn off your targeting computer and turn on this review!
Aliens are among us. The government can't be trusted. Justin Bieber is actually talented. Only one of those statements is true, but I'm not going to tell you which. In any event, join Cody as he ventures down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass with this game of conspiracies and intrigue from IDW Games.